February 5, 2017


Eclectic (ə klé ktik): deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources

Susanna Janssen is living her love affair with words—words in any language, but principally in the three she speaks: English, Spanish and Italian. A retired Spanish professor and Foreign Language Department head, she teaches private lessons in Spanish and Italian, writes books, and develops learning resources to make foreign language acquisition practical, fun, and effective.

For Spanish language enthusiasts, reading in a foreign language can be challenging, even daunting. To this end, she has created NOVELAS EN ESPAÑOL, resource packages to enable intermediate and advanced Spanish learners to read selected novels in Spanish with ease and enjoyment.

Her nonfiction book, Wordstruck! The Fun and Fascination of Language, is a word lover’s delight for the brain, the heart, and the funny bone, and has won five national awards in Humor and Education.

Susanna resides among vineyards and redwoods in Northern California and derives endless inspiration from friends and students, from tango and world music, from her two bilingual cats, and from the polyglot mockingbird in the backyard tree.