8 thoughts on “¿Cómo se dice? Part 1

  • Hola, Susana. Qué interesante y entretenido. Es muy importante conocer cómo realmente se dice algo sin caer en el error de la traducción literal, ya que funciona algunas veces, pero otras no. Muy útil información.

  • I’ll never forget the time my nose was running and, suspecting it was wrong from the get-go, said “Mi nariz está corriendo”. My fellow interlocutors were quite confused, but eventually, with the help of some miming, they understood and told me the correct way to say it. Naturally, I don’t remember what that correct way is anymore and now just avoid telling people when my nose is running (maybe that’s for the best :D).

    • Hola Fallon,
      That’s a classic!
      There’s no easy or universal way to say this in Spanish!
      You could say “Me escurre / Me gotea la nariz.” They both mean my nose is dripping.

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